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Postdoctoral Positions

信息来源: 暂无 发布日期: 2017-03-31 浏览次数:

Position: Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Sustainable Bridge Engineering
- supervision of Prof. Bruno Briseghella
No. of available position: 1

Job responsibilities

1.Performing research in the area of Sustainable Bridge Engineering

2.advance modelling, supervision of students

3.Two Publications of results in high rank journals


·PhD in Civil/Mechanical Engineering

·Background in at least one of the following areas: advance modelling, structural optimization

·Experience with finite element softwares, matlab, programming   


Pretax income 12,000 ~ 15,000 RMB per month

Application materials and contacts

Interested applicants should submit via email a single pdf with the following: a cover letter including a brief synopsis of your interests and career goals; a CV including research experience and publications; names and contact information for at least three professional references.Contact:Prof. Bruno Briseghella, Ph.D.

College of Civil Engineering

Fuzhou University

2 Xue Yuan Road, University Town, Fuzhou, Fujian 350108, P. R. CHINA

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