2015年3月20日至4月3日,意大利巴里理工大学Giuseppe Marano教授和罗马第一大学 Giorgio Monti教授来我中心访问交流,并带来了几场精彩的学术报告。3月25日下午,Giuseppe Marano教授和Giorgio Monti教授分别给研究生带来了名为"Structural Optimization"和 "Reliability of Structures"的报告,受到研究生的广泛好评。3月27日晚上,Giorgio Monti教授还为土木工程学院的本科生做了一场名为"Seismic retrofitting of a strategic building through base isolation and translation"的学术讲座。讲座内容丰富,报告生动有趣,获得学生的阵阵掌声。
值此访问期间,两位教授还参加了学院的实验室以及福州大学校内由SIBERC设计建造的拱桥。他们还与中心教授深入交换了意见,讨论了近期的潜在合作领域。为了进一步推动我中心与意大利巴里理工大学的学术交流与合作,中心与Giuseppe Marano教授签订了外聘教授协议书。Giuseppe Marano教授免费提供了一套关于钢筋混凝土部分的延展性评估方面的自制软件。软件目前支持中文、英文和意大利语。试用与Windows和Mac系统。欢迎大家下载试用并提出建议和意见。软件合作团队:Giuseppe Marano教授和Bruno Briseghella教授。

Brief Introduction
Prof. Giuseppe Marano
Technical University of Bari, Italy

Marano is a full time professor at the Department of Architectural and
Civil Engineering Science, Technical University of Bari and a visiting
professor of Hunan University. He is a consultant on analysis and design
of steel-concrete structures for Metal.Ri snc and a consultant on
structural optimization for Soft.Lab - software partnership as well as a
consultant on bridges vulnerability analysis with IGEP srl. His main
research topics are on random vibrations, seismic engineering,
structural optimization, structural identification, concrete technology,
uncertainty in structural analysis and soft computing in structural
design; He has about 50 papers published on the international journals.
He has lots of research projects as main investigator/scientific leader.
For example: He is the principle investigator of research contract:
"procedure di calcolo, verifica edottimizzazione delle tipologie
speciali ed ordinarie di travi reticolari miste (analysis, verification
and optimization of ordinary and special mixed steel/concrete reticular
beams)". Project funded by metal.ri snc for 105,000,00€.
Prof. Giorgio Monti
La Sapienza University, Italy. Hunan University, China.

Monti has a Master of Science from the University of California at
Berkeley, a PhD from the University of Roma La Sapienza. He is full
Professor at the Sapienza University of Roma. His scientific activity
focuses on seismic modeling and analysis of reinforced concrete
structure, assessment of existing structures, strengthening techniques
with innovative materials (FRP), strategies for the preservation of
historical city centers, and reliability analysis of structures and
infrastructure. He has co-authored more than 250 papers. He has
coordinated several national and international projects in seismic
assessment and international cooperation inhigher education. He has
scientific collaborations with Institutions in Europe,China, the USA,
and Australia. Since 2007, he has been visiting professor at the
University of California at Davis. He participated in the Commission
that issued the new Italian Seismic Code and he is in the Coordinating
Group that produced the new Italian FRP code.